EV detection & impacts

Reveal the grid impacts of EV charging

Enable smarter, higher-ROI managed charging programs by detecting unregistered EVs and analyzing charging impacts on upline equipment.

the probleM

Utilities can’t see how EV charging is impacting upline equipment


Embrace a smarter approach to EV management


Detect and map up to 80% of EVs in a given service territory with machine learning-powered analysis of meter data, tying EV chargers to upline equipment through connectivity models.


Evaluate load impacts across the distribution network to pinpoint heavily-loaded equipment, quantify EV flexibility, and identify areas where new chargers will strain infrastructure.


Leverage grid and meter-level insights to identify and fast-track essential equipment upgrades, target EV-dense areas with managed charging programs, and increase reliability across the grid.


Upline equipment impacts of EVs

Camus offers novel insights into EV loading through highly-accurate detection and aggregation of EV charging sessions. Analyze EV charging over time and simulate future EV impacts to make smarter decisions regarding system planning and managed charging programs.


Boost reliability in the era of electrification

We make it easy to observe where EVs charge, when they’re drawing power, and how they’re impacting upline equipment, so utilities can reliably serve more EV load with existing infrastructure.


A flexible ecosystem of EV partners

Camus partners with leading providers of EV-managed charging solutions to bring grid-aware orchestration of managed charging to utility operators and planners. Our partners support telematics-based control of more than 30 EV brands and charger-based control for leading manufacturers.

Case Study

Transformer-constrained managed EV charging 

Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC) launched a telematics-based managed EV charging program aimed at reducing equipment upgrades driven by EV adoption while maintaining grid reliability and providing peak demand charge savings.

customer testimonial

"This is a crucial step forward toward VEC's transition to reliable, affordable, and 100% renewable energy, allowing us to expand our EV program from strictly peak shaving to reducing infrastructure investment. The partnership with Camus enables us to maintain reliability even as we see demand rise with more EVs. This means fewer equipment upgrades and ultimately cost savings for our members."

Cyril Brunner, Innovation and Technology Leader at VEC
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