Optimize operations with local load forecasts
Unlock precise and flexible grid management via day-ahead predictions of net and gross load at every meter, transformer, and feeder.

Today's load forecasting is not granular enough to manage a fast-changing grid.
Outmaneuver network constraints with accurate, location-specific load forecasts

Forecast accurately
Integrate meter-level load data, DER telemetry, grid connectivity models, and weather forecasts to generate 24-hour load forecasts for every meter.

Predict peaks
Anticipate coincident and non-coincident system peaks to better target demand response programs and lower power supply costs.

Manage capacity
Lower operating costs and increase reliability by using local resource flexibility to protect critical infrastructure from overloading.

Accurate, affordable forecasts at unprecedented scale
Camus' hyperscale compute architecture delivers accurate, affordable load forecasting at massive scale, thanks to the design and development expertise of the team that first scaled Google's global search infrastructure.
Seamless ADMS integration for enhanced performance
Maintain reliability at all points on the grid with 24-hour ahead forecasts that integrate seamlessly with ADMS platforms to bolster the performance of FLISR and Volt/VAR optimization functions.

Forecast and manage peaks for power supply savings
Reduce costly expenditures during peak demand periods by utilizing predictive analytics to inform demand response strategies.
Forecasting for 100% local solar
Kit Carson Electric Cooperative (KCEC) partnered with Camus to integrate distributed solar and battery storage. Camus provides KCEC with forecasting and visibility for distributed solar generation, allowing them to reliably operate their grid with 100% local solar generation.
"To integrate all this solar, we need a software system that gives us the data to operate the network in real time and the information and context to share what’s going on with members. And Camus’ platform gives us the ability to change when our members want change."

Explore our other grid orchestration solutions